What is Hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing is an Amazingly Powerful, Life Changing Experience. If you have to choose one ante natal class – choose Hypnobirthing.

Hypnobirthing is about Empowerment. It is logical, gentle and profound. It teaches you to trust your body and your own instincts and enables you to cope with any eventuality and ‘manage’ better. Releasing the fears and negativities are fundamental to Hypnobirthing. The combination of relaxation techniques, breathing and visualisations, along with positive thoughts and language, enable you to reduce the fears and anxieties surrounding labour and as a result reduce the pain. With Hypnobirthing you learn to work with your body’s own natural ability to become deeply relaxed, to trust your body and allow your body to go through the natural process of labour calmly and gently as nature intended.

Hypnobirthing encourages the fathers/birth partners to take an active role in the birth of their baby. This enables the couple to form a stronger bond and gives the father/birth partner the knowledge that they played an important part in their baby’s birth. Thus deepening the bond with their child.

‘Remaining in control in Labour and Birth means being able to adapt Calmly and Peacefully to a sometimes rapidly changing situation, having the ability to refocus at each twist and turn without Fear or Distress but with Calmness and Confidence.’ – Ref; Vanessa Jane King Hodge

“I had ploughed through mud and rain on my bicycle between two and three in the morning down Whitechapel Road, turned right and left, and innumerable rights and lefts before I came to a low hovel by the railway arches. Having groped and stumbled my way up a dark staircase, I opened the door of a room about ten feet square. There was a pool of water lying on the floor, the window was broken, rain was pouring in, the bed had no proper covering and was kept up at one end by a sugar box. My patient lay covered only with sacks and an old black skirt. The room was lit by one candle stuck in the top of a beer bottle on the mantelshelf. A neighbour had brought in a jug of water and a basin; I had to provide my own soap and towel. In spite of this setting – which even thirty years ago was a disgrace to any civilised country – I soon became conscious of a quiet kindliness in the atmosphere.

In due course, the baby was born. There was no fuss or noise. Everything seemed to have been carried out according to an ordered plan. There was only one slight dissension: I tried to persuade my patient to let me put the mask over her face and give her some chloroform when the head appeared and the dilation of the passages was obvious. She, however, resented the suggestion and firmly but kindly refused to take this help. It was the first time in my short experience that I had ever been refused when offering chloroform. As I was about to leave some time later I asked her why it was that she would not use the mask. She did not answer at once,but looked from the old woman who had been assisting to the window through which was bursting the first light of dawn; and then shyly she turned to me and said: ‘It didn’t hurt. It wasn’t meant to, was it, doctor?’ ”

‘Childbirth Without Fear’ by Dr. Grantly Dick-Read, published by Pinter & Martin Classics, pages 18-19, 2005.

To see a beautiful Hypnobirth watch the video below...

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